2012-06-27 | 01:35:31
Hello. I came back to rewrite this post. Trodde jag skulle glömma det, men aa.
Jag är så fantasifull och kul så jag ska berätta för er vad jag har haft för mig istället för att skriva om finare saker här. Nä men ja, när jag är gammal kommer jag säkert ha glömt bort vad jag gjorde i mina unga dar, så jag skriver ner det här. Diartstyle jao.
So what have I been doing? Well, I ha've been celebrating midsummer (=eating) wíth my family in Grännatown. My grandfather just bought four hens and a tupp. One is named Agda. They are very.. I don't know, but very something.
I've halso been shopping by myself, working (selling strawberries for the win yao - nope, but I get to eat unlimited amounts of strawberries so it's nice♥) and sällskapats with awesome friends meanwhile.
The other day I was the sällskap åt Hanna and together with Julia we came up with a plan resulting us baking, eating, watching One Three Hill, dying my pink hair brown, nattspringing in the woods, taking baths in Aspen at night, hunting eggthtowing kids through en park, watching Never Say Never and discussing until night became morning the following hours.
I've also been shopping with Julia and Hannabanana for several hours and writing songs for long time aswell.

- I've also started my new workout program designed by Djerfen and that feels pretty good (if you happen to read this - I love it).
- I miss my deer (dear) friend Valeria. She's been gone for way to long now.
- I just realised that I'm still writing in english and that feels totally okay.
Oh yea,
- I will visit Greece on saturday. Likie.
And also,
- I've bought way to many bikinis the past three days. But I like that 2.
Postat av: Karolina
Haha snygga!!
Postat av: valleballe
Åh, är ditt hår brunt nu?? Niiice :)
Miss you 2, bbe. I'm here in my hotel room, dying. I got a migränanfall today, so it sucks. But I'll see you tomorrow!! <3
Postat av: anelia
saknar dig sarree <3
kommer du på klass thingen?